Padron is one of the best-known names in the world of cigars. And for good reason. Founded in 1964, the Padron family has been crafting top-shelf cigars bearing their name for decades. Every cigar from Padron showcases masterful blending, keen quality control, and some of the best tobaccos that Nicaragua has to offer.
Padron is one of the best-known names in the world of cigars. And for good reason. Founded in 1964, the Padron family has been crafting top-shelf cigars bearing their name for decades. Every cigar from Padron showcases masterful blending, keen quality control, and some of the best tobaccos that Nicaragua has to offer.
The original Padron, sometimes referred to as the Padron Thousand Series or Padron X000, is a Nicaraguan puro offered in your choice of Natural or Maduro wrapper. Every Padron cigar utilizes only Sun Grown leaves and is aged for a minimum of two and a half years to ensure proper performance. The Natural wrapper delivers a balanced full-bodied experience with earth, pepper, and a slight creaminess. The Maduro swaps out the cream for more dark chocolate. Whichever you choose Padron’s attention to detail guarantees a fantastic cigar.